Kutacane Aceh Tenggara Airport (Bandara Alas Leuser, Ketambe Orangutan)
Playlist Kamu-Kutacane is the name of the capital city of Southeast Aceh Regency, a district located right in the heart of the world's lungs, Gunung Leuser National Park.
Kutacane is also known as the entrance to the Ketambe orangutan research station, the world's oldest orangutan research site.
Ketambe is a natural tourist destination that is well known to both local and foreign tourists, this place is never deserted every year from foreign tourists, who come all the way to enjoy the beautiful nature in Ketambe.
To reach the city of Kutacane, you can use two ways, using the land route and also the air route.
The land route itself can use two routes, namely from Banda Aceh-Takengon-Blangkejeren-Kutacane with a travel time of up to 15 hours. with an estimated ticket price of IDR 230,000/person ($16.10).
The second land route can be from Medan, North Sumatra Province, the route is from Medan-Tanah Karo-Kutacane with a travel time of 6 hours, with an estimated ticket price of IDR 70,000-120,000 / person ( $ 5-8.40).
If you don't want to linger to get to this city, you can try using the 2nd way, namely by using the air route.
This district already has its own airport, Alas Leuser Airport.
This airport serves the Banda Aceh-Kutacane route, with a travel time of only 1.5 hours, with ticket prices ranging from IDR 435,000 ($30.45).
The aircraft that serves this route is the Susi Air Perintis aircraft type, this aircraft flies every Friday at 08:00 WIB.
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